As a prelude to The Hindu MetroPlus Lifestyle Show 2011 to be held in the city from June 2, a launch party was held at Hotel Taj Coromandel on Thursday. One of the highlights of the event was Rs.1.25 lakh donation made to non-governmental organisation CanCare Foundation, which works to improve the quality of life of cancer patients and their families.

Akhila Srinivasan, trustee, CanCare Foundation, received the cheque from Lakshmi Srinath, director-events, Kasturi & Sons Limited. The amount was donated by designers Chaitanya Rao and Sidney Sladen, iads & events, The Helvetica, Joyalukkas and The Hindu

It was an evening of fashion, with models walking the ramp showcasing the works of designers Chaitanya Rao and Sidney Sladen. 

The event was interspersed with performances by artistes. 

An Indian contemporary and western style dance performances, including salsa and hip hop, added colour to the evening.